Saturday, February 26, 2011

It has only been a week since I last posted, but it feels as though it has been a year. Steve and Anna have been on their February Winter Break this past week, and I thought I'd have more time to blog, but as it turns out, not being on our regular schedule has led my day to be less structured and focused.  I usually cherish our routine, which I think is quite helpful in the parenting of very young children.  

But I can certainly give it up for a week if it means having a second parent home during the days.  With Steve home, it means Anna and I can go on morning outings while he stays home (read: plays with his ipad) while  the toddler naps. It also means being able to take of the breakfast dishes at, say, breakfast time, instead of watching them pile up throughout the day. (My children have a strong habit of needing me at the exact moment I begin a cleaning chore, which means that the house is a bit. . . cluttered. . . during the day until Steve returns from work). But during vacation week, one of us does the dishes while the other one shepherds the children into the playroom. So the dishes get done in a timely manner and it is just lovely to not have a sink piled high with sippy cups, plastic plates, and the oatmeal pot. Especially the oatmeal pot. 

We've also had house-guests for part of vacation week. Uncle Mike and Auntie Jen are visiting from California, much to everyone's delight. 

Here's a little glimpse into our week:

Listening to "You and Me" on Dada's new ipad.

Anna's first film experience! And at the Academy of Music! Lucky girl.

Ohhh, the sweetest little girls ever.

Yes, that is a naked Anna with underwear on her head reading to Eliza.

Cheese and crackers! The favorite snack of the week.

Auntie Jen getting some cozy time with her nieces.

As much as we love our time together during vacation week, Anna will be thrilled on Monday to go back to nursery school, it will feel good to Steve to don the work-clothes and shed the sweats, and Eliza and I will get back to our morning routine. Besides, April vacation is less than two months away.

1 comment:

  1. It's very comforting to read your blog. Esp. when the week flows by effortlessly for you. Well, you make it appear so. What movie did Anna see? Did you enjoy it also? I'm sure your brother-in-law and sister-in-law enjoyed their time with Eliza and Anna. The girls are getting so big. I'm happy you had time to blog.
