Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finally! The sled I bought on Saturday, that I had meant to buy before the first snowstorm of the season, was put to good use. And did we have fun! This first snowstorm ceased around lunchtime, having dropped maybe 6-8 inches on top of at least 2 1/2 feet of snow from previous storms. I decided to take the girls out at this time. We very much needed fresh air, and Steve very much needed a rest, after climbing upon our roof and spending at least an hour shoveling from up there. (No ice dams for us, thank you very much). 
So I bundled the girls up, threw Eliza on my back, and told Anna to hop in the sled. I took them for a walk around the neighborhood as Anna giggled away, holding tightly onto the sides of the sled and telling me I was her reindeer and she was Santa.

Even little Bubba-Baby figured out how to have fun in the snow. At first she just sat in it, not wanting to touch it. Then she gave it a taste, and it clearly passed the test, because the next thing I knew, she was throwing the snow in the air over and over again.
And wait, the fun isn't over yet! Eleven more inches are expected between the wee hours of the morning and tomorrow afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise! Two postings in one day. I can REALLY see the amount of snow you got. Wow. It's like a winter wonderland. I can see the girls in their snowsuits playing in the snow. The red sleigh is different than the old wooden ones I'm used to. I see how Eliza's pink cap is put to good use. How smart of you to take them outside for an airing. Miss you, honey.
