Thursday, October 13, 2011

My hopes for this blog seem to have gone the way of my hopes for organizing my desk, my counters, and my car. But amidst general disorganization and the controlled chaos of raising two young children, we certainly have some fun. 

This past weekend we took our family to an apple orchard, as we always do in October. We look forward to that crisp fall day, cozy in our warm clothes, even with cold noses, and pulling off sweet red apples from laden trees.

But this past weekend was different. It was hot, as the temperature reached the mid-80's! But we went anyway, clad in our summer clothes and wiping the sweat off our brows. 

My latest pair of sunglasses are lost. Things just. . . disappear at my house!

Enjoying a fantastic cider slushie. . . and each other.

All of us, plus Tweety.

Enjoying the hot day as only a 4-year-old can.