What a wonderful Easter we had yesterday. We started the day with opening the front door just to see if the Easter Bunny had come, and what do you know?! He left two baskets on the driveway, one for each girl.
After eating warm, buttery pancakes topped with fresh strawberries and maple syrup, we figured it was warm and (barely) dry enough to have our 3rd annual Easter Egg Hung in the backyard, instead of in the house. I dressed the girls in their special dresses and Eliza kept marveling at her "tights! tights!" as she repeated over again, sticking out a leg so we could marvel too.
Following our egg hunt, it was nearing naptime for Eliza and church time for Anna and Mama. Anna changed into a different dress since it was getting too hot for the long-sleeved one.
At 2:00, we headed over to the Neals' home for a special meal and another Easter Egg Hunt! The girls were devoured by the granddaughters and loved every minute of it.
Finally Anna let me take a picture of her! |
This was the closest I could get to a posed photo of the girls together. |
I love Easter for the weather, the flowers, the blooming forsythia in my front yard, the rejoicing community at church, and the pastels in the Easter dresses. It was so lovely to be included in our neighbor's family celebration. We are grateful. We are blessed.
What lovely pictures of your beautiful Easter day! Easter baskets on the driveway from the Easter Bunny! What a great start to your day. I love to read your detailed entries chock full of adjectives and colorful scenes. I think your blog would have more of an audience if you went public. I'm so happy the Neal grandchildren were so receptive to the girls. And you took Anna to worship. Thanks for letting me know the cards arrived. Both girls looked lovely in their Easter finery. Two beauties.