Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It was my birthday today. We started the celebration at breakfast with special whole-wheat and yogurt pancakes, topped with a candle, and the sweetest rendition of Happy Birthday to You sung by my family. By the time the breakfast dishes the done (by Steve, before he went to work, as a special gift to me), we were in full-scale play. 

Somehow Anna convinced me to pitch our camping tent in the playroom.

Then after Eliza's morning nap, we were off to the Y for more play. They have an excellent indoor structure, which is vital for survival during these wicked winter months. 

My birthday wouldn't be complete without a special out-to-eat meal, and Danielle and her girls joined us for the fun.

And finally, off to the ice-cream parlor for a perfect sundae: one scoop of chocolate, one scoop of mud-pie, hot fudge, crushed oreos, and chocolate whipped cream. Split between the whole family, of course.

What a blessed life I'm leading. There's nothing I could wish for that would make it more complete.


  1. What a beautiful, full b'day you had today. All your friends from FB wishing you well. Dinner out with your family and friends. I love you.

  2. Hey, who's that guy that snuck in the pictures and smooched ya?
