Thursday, March 31, 2011

Several week ago, there were two consecutive days when the mercury in the thermometer reached the mid 60's (gasp!). We were hot (!) bundled up in our winter jackets and hats and felt drawn to be outside in the sun. Thankfully we made the most out of these days because it was not the beginning of spring, as I'd hoped, but a fluke in the weather.

And for our second day of warmth and sun, we went back to the same playground. . . 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When it's 2 pm, and you've got two kids who are tired and cranky but won't nap, what else can you do but take them to the Annual Bulb Show at the Smith College Greenhouse?

The brilliant colors of the flowers, the warmth of the greenhouse, and the intoxicating smells improved everyone's spirits.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Once in awhile, Charlotte actually does get some attention. It's certainly not like it was when she was our beloved baby, but one day last week we brought her to the local pet store for a little personal spa treatment. Steve bathed her with shampoo and even conditioned her now-silky coat. She howled at times, and tried to get out of the tub once or twice, but I think she secretly adored the attention. 


Friday, March 11, 2011

We have one of those babies that likes to roll around on the floor and laugh. 


Mardi Gras has come and gone, but the photos have not yet been posted. We had fun talking about, preparing for, and enjoying the day. 
Granny and Grampy sent us an authentic King Cake which we decorated ourselves with the colored sugar, icing, and slivered almonds provided in the box. We shared our King Cake later that day with some of the kids in Baby Group. It blew my mind that not even the grown-ups had heard of a King Cake. But we all enjoyed it. 

The next evening we had our neighbors over for dinner and the rest of the King Cake, and Anna got the baby!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It was my birthday today. We started the celebration at breakfast with special whole-wheat and yogurt pancakes, topped with a candle, and the sweetest rendition of Happy Birthday to You sung by my family. By the time the breakfast dishes the done (by Steve, before he went to work, as a special gift to me), we were in full-scale play. 

Somehow Anna convinced me to pitch our camping tent in the playroom.

Then after Eliza's morning nap, we were off to the Y for more play. They have an excellent indoor structure, which is vital for survival during these wicked winter months. 

My birthday wouldn't be complete without a special out-to-eat meal, and Danielle and her girls joined us for the fun.

And finally, off to the ice-cream parlor for a perfect sundae: one scoop of chocolate, one scoop of mud-pie, hot fudge, crushed oreos, and chocolate whipped cream. Split between the whole family, of course.

What a blessed life I'm leading. There's nothing I could wish for that would make it more complete.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My little one seems to have rounded a corner with her eating. She is eating more and enjoying the process, especially when I serve her one of her favorites.  She's 16-months-old (today), and has never had a favorite food, so I am thrilled to make her a grilled cheese sandwich every night for awhile if she'll eat it. She also loves bread with butter, blueberries, raspberries, peas, and clementines. She likes banana yogurt and cottage cheese at times.  She ate her weight in pasta the other night.  And I'm starting to see a little cheek chub on her and a more rounded belly. Oh, she's scrumptious!

Here's she's signing "more" as she nibbles on a chocolate-covered pretzel.

Does anyone else notice fuller cheeks and/or a little toddler pot belly?