Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm back! Sorry to all my readers (I mean, my mom). Nothing in particular besides dysfunctional organization was going on. Today we are experiencing another snowstorm. It's supposed to be a big one, a snowpacalypse. But I finally bought us a sled last Saturday, so when there's a lull in the snow, I'm bundling up the big girl and taking her out.  I can't wait. But in the meantime, the snow is pounding us and we are keeping refuge in our warm home.

Here are a few precious photos from the past two weeks for your viewing delight:

This was taken the morning of the January 18th snowstorm. Anna was excited about playing Candy Land with Dada and having a snow day.

Baby Girl loves sitting on the potty seat, just like Big Sis.

Anna just looked at this photo and said, "Who is that wearing my beautiful sun hat?"


My girl is quite the little fish.

At Aunt Tricia's, sitting amongst all the skis.

Tucker Terrific and Anna sharing a moment. Both girls adored that cute doggie.

And finally, today is Eliza's 15-month birthday. Happy Birthday, my little peanut.


  1. Thank you, thank you. Eliza is looking older now that she is 15 months. Love the pics in the snow and of Eliza hamming it up.

  2. What pics in the snow? Did I miss something?

  3. ok, I know I'm partial, but that photo of Anna and Tucker is too adorable. We should have taken loads more. They are SOOOO sweet.

  4. Yes, that picture is particularly adorable. Tucker was so good with the girls. And with Steve, who is now smitten with the little guy.
