Saturday, October 29, 2011

Most of the time, my little Eliza feels like a baby still. She's tiny, and fits so snugly in my arms, she still nurses, and probably because she is my youngest, I tend to view her as still a baby. But there are moments when I see crystal clear the toddler she has become and the person she is becoming. I am amazed at her growth and her sturdiness and her lovely personality. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The leaves are changing, the sweaters are out, my little one still likes snuggling in the ergo, and my big one has found her bike riding muscles. We are ready for Fall.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall has arrived, as the massive pine trees in our yard shed their needles, 
turning our yard into an ocean of gold.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This morning the little one said to the big one, as we were getting ready for school: "I am a 'tudent (student) and you are a yucky hippo."

I see no yucky hippos in this photo. Just impossibly cute little girls.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My little girl now. . .

and exactly one year ago today. . .
Love Love Love!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My hopes for this blog seem to have gone the way of my hopes for organizing my desk, my counters, and my car. But amidst general disorganization and the controlled chaos of raising two young children, we certainly have some fun. 

This past weekend we took our family to an apple orchard, as we always do in October. We look forward to that crisp fall day, cozy in our warm clothes, even with cold noses, and pulling off sweet red apples from laden trees.

But this past weekend was different. It was hot, as the temperature reached the mid-80's! But we went anyway, clad in our summer clothes and wiping the sweat off our brows. 

My latest pair of sunglasses are lost. Things just. . . disappear at my house!

Enjoying a fantastic cider slushie. . . and each other.

All of us, plus Tweety.

Enjoying the hot day as only a 4-year-old can.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy 47th Anniversary to the Neals, the best neighbors our family could have. . . 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What Little Said. . .

"Got for" = forgot

As in:  "Got for I to bring Lucy!" She wailed these words as I was trying to hustle and bustle both kids out the door and into the car to get to church before the service began. I hurriedly went through her statement over and over again, trying to figure out what she could possibly mean, while grabbing the diaper bag with the hand that wasn't holding her, giving the dog a treat, watching Anna climb into her car seat, and almost shutting the door behind me.  I stopped and looked at her, asking, "Did you forget to bring Lucy?"

She nodded vehemently and repeated sadly: "Got for I to bring Lucy!"

Ahhh. I love hearing language development. It is simply the neatest thing. 

As was the smile I received when I went back and grabbed the nearly-forgotten precious doll.

Lizie and Lucy in a quiet moment.